Title Deeds in Kenya

Title Deeds Transfer in Kenya: What You Need To Know


Surveys and competitive platforms, have found that Optiven Limited is the go to company for investors in Real Estate. Why, when there seems to be so much happening within the sector? Three out of five investors with Optiven Limited have cited issuance of title deeds upon completion of purchase as a top reason for investment.

Title Deeds Transfer in Kenya: What You Need To Know2023-02-27T12:55:48+00:00

Procedure of a title deed transfer once you purchase a plot with us


Have you ever wondered about the procedure of a title deed transfer once you purchase a plot with us? Here is a walk through of the whole process. With 20 years of experience, Optiven Documentation team makes sure that you get a title deed once you invest with us. For more info, call 0720 919111

Procedure of a title deed transfer once you purchase a plot with us2022-05-25T11:30:53+00:00
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