If you want to make headway on building your wealth, simply saving money might not be enough. Your next move to maximize your savings should be to begin investing. Investing is an important building block of a sound financial future and can help you get higher returns from your money, than you’d get from a savings account or certificates of deposit.
1. Set the stage for sound investment
Before putting a shilling in any investment, set the stage for sound investing. First, set up a budget indicating all your capital and recurrent expenditure.
2. Seek help
For brand new investors, the process might be overwhelming. If you are unsure of how or where to put your investments, get a firm that can advise you well. At Optiven we don’t rush you into putting your hard-earned money into any investment, instead we strive to understand what you need in order start investing, then advise you accordingly.
3. Start with simple Investments
The best way to invest is to keep things simple. Begin with a simple and manageable monthly investment and work your way up as you get to know the investing markets better. For example, our project KilimoTujijenge is a good place to begin your investment journey. With only Ksh15,000 (est. 150 USD) per month you have a chance to feed the nation and earn up to Ksh1.2million per year without interfering with your daily activities. Learn more about the KilimoTujijenge project here http://www.optiven.co.ke/kilimotujijenge
4. Learn where to invest your money
Our CEO – GeorgeWachiuri — an entrepreneur, author, motivator and astute businessmanoffered the following advice on where beginners should invest: “For beginner investors, the best investment market is the real estate sector. With a 45% – 75% growth per annum, this is the best way to invest your money. “
5. Start small
There’s no need to wait until you have a huge stash of cash to invest. Start with a 15K per month investment and grow your way up. Call us today and get more tips on how to begin your journey to create wealth for your future.
To get more details on how you can invest with us Kindly talk to us via 0702 831083 , 0738 831083, Email; info@optiven.co.ke. Website: http://www.optiven.co.ke
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Great post showing the investment tips for beginners. The info shared was very useful. Thanks for sharing.
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Hae i wanted to invest 15k what can i invest in. 15kper month