For only Ksh 300,000/- as a new deposit for any project, or a redemption for the ongoing investment with Optiven, customers were rewarded with 3,000/- cash back in June!.
Under the #UbazuuNiKumiliki campaign, the customers were able to enjoy the rewards across the Optiven portfolio. And with focus on June being the month for men the campaign was well received thanks to our partnership with our customers in this investment journey.
The campaign was applicable on all projects within the Optiven portfolio, including Ocean View Vipingo which received increased interest from investors. Regional Manager for Nakuru County, Tom Kibet (below standing) while speaking at the Clergy meeting in Nakuru on Friday 23rd June 2023 encouraged the investors to take advantage of these campaigns as they can also be a boost for the same investments made especially if the customer gives the cashback as part of the payment.
Kibet noted that the aim of the campaigns is part of Optiven’s core value on customer obsession. He said, “as Optiven we are not all about taking but also giving back as a reward for investing with Optiven. We as Optiven we are glad that our customers like our campaigns.” He made the remarks during the inaugural Investment Coffee with Optiven that was held at Golden Life Mall.
Optiven is the leading real estate company in the East and Central African region. The company has been in existence for 24 years during which they continue to provide solutions for real estate investors across the country. With a portfolio of properties available from as little as 169,000 shillings, Optiven is most preferred for provision of transformed and value added properties that are ready to build.
To invest in any of the Optiven project
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