Here at Optiven, we usually have FIVE Levels of properties. Each level has its set of value additions. The levels are also based on location, proximity to infrastructure. Market prices are thus based on these factor. This ensures that we cater for low, middle and high end customers.

Here are our property Levels:

1. Plots that are Bare: They do not have any value additions on them at all. Their price range from 195, 000 per plot to 495, 000 per plot. These are projects like Sifa Gardens in Kajiado, Hope Gardens in Kajiado (Read more about Hope Gardens here: and Favour Gardens in Kajiado. We do not have many of this type since they are plots that are a bit far from development.

2. Limited Value Added Plots: These plots have graded roads, fence with barbed wire, power not too far and there is limited settlement. Examples are Rafiki Gardens along Kangundo Rd. @ 695, 000 per plot) – Read more about Rafiki Gardens here: and Peace Gardens in Nyeri @695, 000.

3. Standard Value Added Plots (Medium Value Added Plots): On this properties; we do murrum roads, Water on site, elevated water tanks and Marking Fence. Examples are: Shekinah Gardens in Kajiado Township @ 750, 000 – this project is only 900 meters off Namanga highway. (Watch more about Shekinah here: Shalom Gardens in Machakos @ 950, 000, Garden of Joy in Machakos @1.295M per plot. Watch more about Garden of Joy here:

4. High level Value Additions: We do fruits parks, playing fields, elevated water tower, piped water to every plot, we plant hundreds of trees, drainages done, power, house designs and gated community with manned security, community regulations, Home owners Association and a care taker. Example is Victory Gardens Phase Three, Four & Five. Watch more about Victory Gardens here:

5. Super Prime Value Addition: This is where we do cabro internal roads, provision of club house, very high end entry gate, stone wall, laser wire, CCTV, water Fountain, high end Steel Galvanized 15 meter high 100, 000 liters elevated tank, Orchards, green public parks, house designs, appointed Architect, registered community regulations by the county government, Home owners association, Uniformed Security guards. Two caretakers on site. Example is  Amani Ridge the Place of Peace in Kiambu. Watch this video on architectural projections of Amani Ridge the Place of Peace:

Would you wish to own any of these properties? Get in touch with Optiven Today:

Contact Optiven Group: 0790 300 300
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