Optiven Limited, Kenya’s leading Real Estate company this year escalated it’s energies into upscaling value addition on it’s projects. Already the company was awarded the Real Estate company of the year for two consecutive years ay the 2018 and 2019 Real Estate Excellence Awards.
In 2020, Optiven Limited has been synonymously associated with greening it’s projects in line with it’s adherence to environment conscious living. The concept has been well received with the company awarding Green Championsel who have gone ahead to get the green agenda up and running.
Among those recognized and issued with virtual certificates include customers who have invested at AMANI RIDGE The Place of Peace Kiambu, Victory Gardens Kitengela and Garden of Joy Machakos. The awarded Customers wete singled out for embracing the Optiven green agenda by improving their living spaces with the additional tree planting, landscaping and embracing environment sustainable initiatives.
The successful engagement on the Optiven Green Agenda provides a great opportunity for community inclusion in sustainable living. Because a good percentage of Optiven investors are in the diaspora, such ideas are catalysed by further improving the projects a plot at a time.
This brings to the fore the idea of including edible plants in landscaping. This concept has worked well among communities in developed countries . Coupled in Kenya by the reality of limited land resources, inclusion of edible landscapes can play a crucial role in food sustainability. With gated community development growing daily and more people moving to the suburban areas of cities,
Optiven is setting the pace,in advance as it makes green living a reality to it’s investors. The #GoGreenNaOptuven campaign has also harnessed the opportunity to provide employment opportunities for the workers installing solar assisted interventios such as lighting at Victory Gardens Kitengela and the fountain at AMANI RIDGE The Place of Peace Kiambu. At the end of the decade, sustainable living will advise key decisions on matters habitat as well as environmental management in communities.
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