Happy new decade from us at Optiven!
As we kick off this new decade, we would like to walk with you as you set your investment resolution high on the bar. We promise to walk with you until you realize that resolution. That is why we have this one of its kind offer just for you.
Upon Investing with at least Ksh 450,000 or redeeming your instalments with the same amount, you will walk away with an appreciation gift package, a pleasant surprise worth waiting for. This will be a DECADE PACKAGE that will run you for the entire 10 years to come.
It’s never a njaaanuary when it comes to Optiven.
We have hot deals in Kiambu, Thika, Machakos, Kitengela and Kajiado. Invest in any of these properties and become a property owner this decade. This offer runs from 6th Jan 2020 to 21st Jan 2020, take advantage of it while it lasts.
#FunguaDecade today!
Enquire More on Fungua Decade Na Optiven
Contact us
Optiven Limited
Head Office
Barclays plaza Loita street 14th floor Wing A
Kitengela: Acacia Junction (Right on Tarmac)
Postal Address: P. O Box 623-00600 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0790 300300 , 0723 400500
Email: info@optiven.co.ke