invest together as a chama

New Year’s resolutions: How to make and keep goals


Get healthy, lose weight, spend less money, save more money, invest, be happy, build a house – no matter what your New Year’s resolution is, it can be difficult to keep. But it’s not impossible.If you set attainable goals, you can actually envision yourself achieving, then you’re off to a good start. Part of the

New Year’s resolutions: How to make and keep goals2019-11-24T11:56:07+00:00

How Chamas Can Invest Together


Agree on the investment methodology, strategy and stick on it –  Do not change goal posts in the middle of the investment journey Appoint a good leadership they will guide the group – Let the leadership have a term limit and they should have well written and agreed target of achievement during their term .

How Chamas Can Invest Together2019-11-24T11:56:07+00:00
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